What We Do

We provide a multitude of Advocacy Opportunities to serve in one’s community. Our Angel Advocates work with families, young people, adults, and older people to empower them with the tools necessary to fight and conquer addiction.

We provide resources for those who need an advocate within the healthcare system of addiction.

We provide scholarship assistance to qualifying Champions toward evidence-based medication-assisted treatment, believing this path of recovery saves lives.

We advocate to expand medication assisted treatment to more patients.

We seek to partner with the medical community to provide new resources and opportunities to qualified Champions.

We support science based cutting-edge therapies that treat addiction in a natural and holistic fashion to reduce pharmaceutical side effects that perpetuate addiction challenges.

We provide our signature “Butterfly Baby Bundles” to hospitals for the newborns affected by this crisis.

ABOVE ALL, we seek to make every addiction patient in recovery a Champion in life!

What is a Champion?

A Champion is fully committed to their recovery

A Champion understands the life-long hard work it will take to sustain recovery

A Champion is committed to their life purpose to transform their life

A Champion accepts responsibility for their actions

A Champion is committed to helping others achieve recovery success

A Champion has Faith in God

Who are Angels?

Angels are community advocates, family members and loved ones that have been touched by substance abuse disorder and are committed to supporting transformation within their communities and families.

Our Angels work together to:

Eliminate the root causes of addiction stigma by helping to remove barriers to recovery.

Expose systemic failures within the system of addiction care and the legislation that supports those failures.

Bring awareness to the toll substance use and addiction has taken within our communities.

Educate families about Prevention strategies and effective Recovery programs.

Provide opportunity for successful life-long change and purpose through peer to peer support communities.

Angel Action

Angels of Champions is committed to saving lives by preventing overdose deaths due to systemic addiction treatment failure and the legislation that supports that failure.

No other infectious or chronic condition comes close to the devastating societal impact of Opioids on Americans.

The grave impact that addiction has taken upon the American family and society in general may never be fully understood. But what is understood is that more needs to be done locally, regionally and nationally to improve awareness about the systems that are in place that often create more blocks to recovery than paths to its success.

We are working to confront addiction stigma by advocating for Policy and Legislative change that will hold providers and legislatures accountable at the state and national level to end the revolving door of addiction treatment failure. To learn more, click here.

Our focus is on building strong families within our communities as a number one offense to fighting this disease while providing HOPE for successful recovery by supporting new science methodologies and evidence-based treatments to treat addiction successfully and revolutionize addiction care.