Welcome to the Angels of Champions Blog on Legislation
We are excited to begin taking our first steps directed toward policy and legislative change. There is so much that needs to be done for those that are desperately trying to navigate a system of addiction care and legislation that is working against them in so many ways. It is up to us to work to bring the change necessary to stop preventable overdose and death across our country.
We hope that you will look to this blog as a source of valuable information that will inspire you to join with us to bring accountability to all that have contributed significantly to the depth and gravity of this crisis.
We look forward to connecting with you and greatly welcome your involvement. Please visit the CONTACT page and indicate your desire to be involved in this effort so that we may provide you with important updates as we move forward.
Please be sure to celebrate the excitement of a New Year that promises to bring TRANSFORMATION through strategic IMPACT by visiting our Blog as we begin to provide details of our Policy and Legislative platform.
We have a lot on our agenda to accomplish during the year at both the State and National levels.
Together we can become a powerful force to bring the change necessary
You are valued and needed in this fight!
Carolyn Hauck | Founder
The Angels of Champions Team